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HAUSER & ASSOCIATES, INC. market research & consulting

ScreenPlus Foundation Module

The Foundation Module consists of basic concept testing measures that define concept performance and indicate how to improve new product ideas.

Category usage and attitudinal information is also gathered to provide thorough concept analysis. Importantly, test results are measured against the extensive ScreenPlus normative database, which consists of hundreds of concepts in HBA, household, personal care and food product

Volumetric Module

It is never too early to assess the business potential of a new idea. ScreenPlus' monadic concept evaluation provides a basis from which to conduct volume modeling.

ScreenPlus utilizes the proprietary Hauser & Associates, Inc. Volume Planning Model to develop year one and on-going sales estimates. These estimates are based on ScreenPlus test results and client-provided marketing plans. The model also produces an analysis of the components of the volume estimate.

On a period-by-period basis, the model provides estimates of Total Volume, Trial Volume, Repeat Volume, Trial Rate and Depth of Repeat. This makes it possible to analyze various elements of the marketing plan and to develop the right mix of trial and repeat generating programs.

Most importantly, the H&A Volume Planning Model is reliable. Over the past decade, the model has provided volume estimates for hundreds of products, and has been successfully validated across many product categories.

Attribute Analysis Module

This module provides analysis that helps evaluate the effectiveness of attribute communication in stimulating purchase interest and identifies what respondents truly are taking away from concept communication.

Stated Vs. Derived Importance

The Stated Importance measure provides an understanding of how important consumers say an attribute is when choosing a brand. Attributes with high stated importance may include some of those that are meaningful in brand selection, or may be characteristics that are highly desired but do not differentiate brands.

Derived Importance is a measure of an attribute's actual impact on brand selection. It is calculated by relating differences in attribute ratings with differences in purchase interest or actual usage for several existing brands in a category. Attributes having high derived importance are those that are both highly desired and perceived as being distinctly offered by different brands.

Stated Vs. Derived Importance analysis provides a "blueprint" of the category structure that can be examined relative to concept communication goals.

Concept Attribute Delivery vs. Derived Importance

An analysis of Concept Attribute Delivery relative to Derived Importance compares the benefit communication of the test concept with category attribute derived importance. This helps to evaluate how well the concept communicates attributes that contribute to the purchase decision. It provides a guide for adjusting attribute communication to improve purchase interest.

Attribute Chain Analysis

Attribute Chain Analysis is a structured open-ended probing method designed to reveal important sub-conscious end-benefits that are linked to the rational ideas communicated in the concept.

Underlying the main concept ideas are more powerful connections that have an emotional or psychological payoff to the consumer. These subtle elements can be integrated into indirect aspects of the marketing mix (advertising scenes/models, promotional graphics/design, packaging visual/graphics/colors, etc.) and provide strong support for the main benefits being communicated.

Positioning Module

Perception and image are important components that are often overlooked at the concept testing stage. This module provides analysis that helps to identify the concept's competitive position and its perceived brand image or personality.

Competitive Perceptual Mapping

Based on ratings on a series of attributes, ScreenPlus maps competitive brands according to their perceived positions. The test concept is also mapped among its competition.

This mapping technique provides an examination of how consumers will perceive the concept brand vs. brands with which it is likely to compete. It can indicate the degree of perceived uniqueness and highlight possible source of business and cannibalization issues.

Brand Personality Analysis

Just as people have personalities, brands are also perceived as having images and personalities. Brand personality can be created for a new product through name, concept, packaging, promotion, and advertising.

People tend to buy those brands they perceive as having personalities like their own. This tendency is even stronger if the personality of the brand matches that to which a consumer aspires.

ScreenPlus evaluates and then maps the concept brand personality and respondents' perception of their actual and aspirational personalities. This analysis can help determine how to position the concept brand to improve the fit of its image with the target purchase group, and to differentiate it from competition.

Product Evaluation Module

ScreenPlus provides the perfect platform for adding a product evaluation. ScreenPlus allows for a thorough examination of a product's performance on an absolute basis and relative to the concept.

Product strengths and weaknesses are measured and a thorough evaluation of concept/product fulfillment is conducted.

Results from this part of the test are used in the Volume Planning Model to develop more accurate repeat estimates and volume projections.

Contact us for more information.

ScreenPlus Modules